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About the Game

About the game

"Sleepy Moon Sheep" is a game designed for young kids with juvenile arthritis to develop a healthy sleeping routine by giving kids sets of goal and rewards. The game uses principal of a board game where there is a start and a finish. The game consists of a board with steps, cards with tasks and sheep themed characters that player moves through the board. The board game is designed to be played for 3 months because this is the approximate time it takes for children to develop a healthy sleeping pattern.

Cards & Board

The board contains a path from the barn (start) to to the moon (end) which consists of 7 steps. The sheep characters will move one step each time kid complements one task. At the end of the game kids will have completed total of 7 bed time activities. The board will also have slots to place cards and tools to keep track of number of days kids followed the routines.

There are total of three categories of cards used for this game.

The first category of cards are the routine cards which contains a sleeping routine and illustration of sheep performing the action. The back of the routine card will contain more descriptive explanation of what the kids need to do to complete the task. Second category of cards are the blank cards which allows parents to come up with their own sleeping routines. Blank Card will contain a spot for parents to name the activity and a genetic sheep design. Last category of cards are reward cards. Reward cards give parents an opportunity to give their kids a reward for following sleeping routines for a various (see board picture) number of days. Reward cards will contain a header, illustration and a space for parents to write out the reward for the kid. All card will have illustrations only with outline, so the kids can color in the drawing themselves.

Cards & Board
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Game Instruction

Game Instruction

The following is the instructions for getting set up to the game.​ One thing to keep in mind is that kids and parents must be communicating and engaging with each other through the process of playing the game. 


  1. Parent and Kids discuss and chose activities they would like to perform every night and print out card with discussed activities. The routines will stay consistent throughout the entire process to ensure the children to develops a healthy, uniform sleeping routine.

  2. Parents and children discuss and finalize on the reward they will receive for following the routine for 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 day streaks. The reward may change or stay consistent after each cycle.

  3. Put up the game up against a wall, near the kid's bedroom in the house and put routine cards, blank cards (if you have created any) and reward card at the bottom of the board.


The following is the instructions for playing the game.

  1. Start off by having your kid pick a sheep character they like to play as.

  2. Look at the first routine card located at the board and have your kid complete the task

  3. When kid has finished the task, move the sheep one step

  4. Continue until sheep reaches the final step

  5. If kid has performed all the routine and was successful in getting into bed mark it off on the board

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